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Scenes From a Snead

Updated: February 28

You’ll have to see this.

Rollin’ Rebels member Kenny Snead, who is one half of the new Southeast Tag Team Champions, loves his belt. I don’t know if he’s named it yet, but he loves it so much that he carries it around with him and takes pictures of it all day. So without further ado, I’ll be adding pics while he sends them to me and captions as well. 🙂

So once people saw that I posted Kenny’s pictorials, other people demanded that I added theirs. Fine.


Day 14

Jerry Didway

From Jerry: The belt and I were out this afternoon enjoying the beautiful weather. She said she isn’t leaving me for a long time.


DAY 11

Kenny Snead

May be an image of one or more people and people standing
It’s been 2 long years without a letter or even a phone call! Now this dude shows up tonight asking for every other weekend visitations!! Can yall believe the nerve of this guy?!?
NOTE: ‘This dude’ is Michael Dustin Henry, Kenny Snead’s Old Tag Team Partner



Kenny Snead

May be an image of Kenny Snead
Going back so she can phone home! She is so glad to be home!


Dre Gaither

May be an image of child and indoor
We’ve agreed the belt can stay in her room for a while!!!

Jerry Didway

Well my belt over did it her first day and a half back at work after being out of work for so long. She injured herself on the forklift and got some splinters so we are having to fill out workman’s comp paperwork. She got a little bandade for her boo-boo and she will have to take it easy for the next couple days.

Kenny Snead

May be an image of indoor
Our girls having a celebratory beer during league tonight! They deserve it for sure!



Sitting around the water cooler at the office this beautiful Monday morning. Man, the stories she is telling me! Some of yall should be ashamed of yourselves!!



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