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UBA Post Up

The UBA Post-Up: Wait and Speculate

Guessing and wondering is fun, isn’t it?

The post-op is when we look back at the past weekend and look forward towards the current week. In this time of uncertainty, it makes it even more fun to guess at that’s going to happen. 😉

Although Battle Bowl is going to occur in August, it doesn’t mean that it’s all quiet on the western front until then. In fact, this week – leading up to the July 4th Holiday – promises the potential for ‘shots fired’ bursting in air. We won’t know about it now, but we will know about it a week from today, and while we’re waiting, we all know how much fun gossip is. Let’s begin:

1. Opt Out Period is OVER
There’s already been rumors of teams poached out of existence in the Southeast due to the Opt Out Period. This full list hould be posted up sometime this week. Another rumor includes a major power player from a 3 time UBA Championship Team going to the defending champions. Such fun to be had…

2. Soon the districts will be finalized
This is what we know – the UBA has a bunch of new teams. What we don’t know is the official districting. It SHOULD be known by early July, BUT as this has been anything but a normal offseason for the UBA, don’t be surprised if this gets delayed (and please be patient. We’re all trying to get through this).

3. Information on Battle Bowl registration will be announced July 1
What usually happens is that certain events sell out quickly (Hi Unholy Alliance!) and others waiting until the last second. Keep in mind with less than 100% capacity and only three days that things will sell out quicker than you think. And before you think they don’t, the armada of people that showed up at Bowlerama should give you a hint otherwise. There will be people that will wait because they don’t think there will be a rush and then complain when they sell out. Don’t be that person.

4. One on One matches will be much more popular
If social media advertising of match-ups are any indication, the one on one sets of matches are a great way to remove rust and get play in alleys where attendance is going to be low to begin with.

5. King of the Hills & Tournaments > Summer Leagues
For the most part, there’s very few Summer leagues happening. So if you want to get your weekly bowling on, the King of the Hills are a nice option to have. Tournaments are also going to come in full bloom, and that’s a great way to warm up as well before Battle Bowl.


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